Monday, April 9, 2012

Fatty Carbs

"You are the fatty carbs in my life. (I cant live without.) ;)

There are only 2 things in life you “technically” can’t livewithout. Everyone knows this. They are water and food. But what about thosethings in life that you couldn’t imagine yourself going without? My wife laughsat me all the time because I’m always spending money on some new type ofworkout, or I’m trying some new diet that is supposed to help me lose weightquickly. Right now, as you could guess from today’s lunch note, I’m trying alow carb diet. Side note: Don’t EVERstart a low carb diet the week before Easter. How stupid could I be for thatone!
Anyway…back to the blog. How often do you take the time tolet someone close to you know that you can’t live without them? If you are likeme, it isn’t often enough. Before I went on this diet and cut out sugars Icould care less about milk shakes, baked potatoes or all the other deliciousthings that are now off limits. The absence of those things (that are usuallyin my life everyday) has caused me to CRAVE them. I guarantee you that if Iwere to fall off the wagon and go back to my old ways of eating, I wouldn’tthink twice about those foods after just a few days. But because they are gone,and  because they are unavailable to me Ican’t stop thinking about them.
How many relationships do you have like this? It’s so easyto forget how delicious and yummy your spouse is when there around you all thetime. But if you had to go a long period without them you would have a totalbreakdown…because like food and water…you just can’t live without love. It’s aproven fact! So maybe you need to go home, and tell the people in your home…”Iwant you to know something…I could not survive without you in my life!”

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