Thursday, April 5, 2012

Magically Delicious

“You are the marshmallows in my Lucky Charms of life.”

Lucky Charms is by far my FAVORITE cereal. Hey…they are “magically delicious” after all! Just about every human in America has had this cereal, and for many of us it was a staple of our childhood breakfast routine. I want you to imagine for a minute…eating a big bowl of that wonderful sweet treat. Now…take away the marshmallows!!! Could you imagine Lucky Charms cereal without that sweet, mushy goodness? It would NOT be the same. It would just be bland, and tasteless, and I can guarantee that you would not find one kid on this planet who would voluntarily eat that cereal if it only had the brown crunchy things.

Is this how you feel about your relationship right now. Are you at a place where if you took you spouse out of your world, your life would lose its sweetness, and you would be left with a bunch of stuff that you have no use for? Sure…you would be able to survive…but it just wouldn’t be near as fun, and it wouldn’t’ be nearly as flavorful.  

I want you to take a good look into your “cereal of life.” Is it filled with colorful and flavorful things? And is it also balanced out with some healthy bites as well. If you look into you bowl and all you see are tasteless flakes, and boring colors you may need to look around for some flavor. HANG ON NOW!!! I don’t mean for a “NEW BOX OF CEREAL!” Life is filled with lots of ingredients. All of which you can find in your pantry at HOME. You just need to look for it, and maybe have your spouse help you get it if it is somewhere out of your reach.  You don’t need to go shopping, and buy a whole new box of cereal…just find some sweet fruit, or add some sugar!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Follow the light

"You light up my life!!"
There is something special about being 100% confident thatyou are someone’s everything. For me, to get a note like this makes me feel ontop of the world. And an added bonus today…ARTWORK! You gotta love it.
Every now and then there are some little things make me thinkback to former relationships, and how at times I was SO WRONG about thefeelings I had for someone. I spent years in a relationship with someone whocalled me lazy, turns out I work pretty darn hard. I was told my jokes wereannoying, actually…I’m pretty hysterical if I say so myself. Among the dailyverbal beatings I took, the worst one was that I was not a good father. Well,my precious 8 year old (and anyone who knows me) would definitely dispute thatif she heard it!
Were you ever in a relationship like the one I’m describing?One that was almost completely toxic. One that even made you behave likesomeone you are not. I’ve certainly been there. And what a journey I had. Butnow looking back on that relationship, and comparing it to what I have now is areal eye opener.
Both my wife and I have been through similar situations. Andwe talk a lot about how had we met 10 years ago we would not appreciate eachother like we do now. To see the words “You light up my life” on a napkin maybe a tiny thing to most…but when you spent years in the darkness with someone…thisis the most precious thing I could have ever seen.
I want to encourage you to think about your relationships.Do they light up your life, or are you sitting in the dark all alone. Are youthe person that when you walk into a room it’s like turning the light switch ON…orare you the person who casts darkness by having a negative attitude, gossiping,not being appreciative for what you have and so on…. Either way you have theability to make or break someone’s day. Why not focus on being a bright star.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Revolving Doors

"I am so happy you're the ladderballs in my life."

There is nothing that can cause a relationship to suddenly end. Sure, someone can be caught in the act of doing something wrong that quickly ends a relationship; but more than likely, whatever they were caught doing took weeks, months and sometimes years to slowly chip away at what both individuals had worked so hard to create. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that there are certain things in a relationship, that if not carefully avoided will inevitable chisel away at the foundation of your marriage until it crumbles. I would deem one thing as THE biggest silent killer of otherwise great relationships. It’s called redundancy.

Think about the first 6 months of your relationship with your spouse. You can probably count more exciting, adventures and spontaneous things that you did in that first 6 months than you can in the past couple of years. This is not a bad thing. We all put our best foot forward when we are in a dating relationship. If it wasn’t for what happened in the beginning stage of a relationship most women would probably never settle for their husbands. AND…vice versa. The problem with this is that it isn’t easy to consistently come up with new ideas of things to do together, and for the most part it isn’t practical, especially if there are kids involved.

So back to today’s lunch note…Yesterday I found myself cleaning up outside after a big Saturday night bash my wife and I threw for neighbors and family. The back yard was pretty much trashed (mainly because me and some of the guy’s got a bit to “rowdy.” So there I was trying to breakdown a 10x10 tent, clean up a bunch of trash and beer cans…when my wife walks up with our 10 month old on her hip. Now I’m already treading lightly here because I did get a little out of hand with the guy’s last night. I was totally expecting her to rag me about staying out until 1:30am, or about the HUGE mess I had made. Instead she said “How about a break baby?” I was a little taken back, and then she really through me off when she said “How do you play ladderball?” Ladderball is this great game where you throw a rope sort of thing at this ladder, and you keep score. Me and the guy’s had played it most of the night before, and the game was left out. The next thing you know I’m putting the tent back up, and showing Heather how to play. For the next 2 hours we sat outside playing this game, taking turns with the baby in tow. We laughed, talked trash to each other and just really had the best time. And it came out of nowhere.

As I started thinking about it, it made sense that we had so much fun because we were doing something new, and we were both enjoying it. If we aren’t careful we will find ourselves in a rut. Doing the same old things day in and day out. Routine is healthy, and for the most part a routine is essential to run a household smoothly. But be careful that you don’t put yourself, and your family into a revolving door of the same things, day in and day out. Mix it up a little. Get yourself outside of your comfort zone. Otherwise, If you leave this door opened boredom will surely settle in. And who knows…you may find yourself giggling together just like you did in those first few weeks of dating so many years ago.

OH…and if your curious about ladderball there is a link below too.