“You are the
marshmallows in my Lucky Charms of life.”
Lucky Charms is by far my FAVORITE cereal. Hey…they are “magically
delicious” after all! Just about every human in America has had this cereal,
and for many of us it was a staple of our childhood breakfast routine. I want
you to imagine for a minute…eating a big bowl of that wonderful sweet treat.
Now…take away the marshmallows!!! Could you imagine Lucky Charms cereal
without that sweet, mushy goodness? It would NOT be the same. It would just be
bland, and tasteless, and I can guarantee that you would not find one kid on
this planet who would voluntarily eat that cereal if it only had the brown
crunchy things.
Is this how you feel about your relationship right now. Are
you at a place where if you took you spouse out of your world, your life would
lose its sweetness, and you would be left with a bunch of stuff that you have
no use for? Sure…you would be able to survive…but it just wouldn’t be near as
fun, and it wouldn’t’ be nearly as flavorful.
I want you to take a good look into your “cereal of life.”
Is it filled with colorful and flavorful things? And is it also balanced out
with some healthy bites as well. If you look into you bowl and all you see are tasteless
flakes, and boring colors you may need to look around for some flavor. HANG ON
NOW!!! I don’t mean for a “NEW BOX OF CEREAL!” Life is filled with lots of
ingredients. All of which you can find in your pantry at HOME. You just need to
look for it, and maybe have your spouse help you get it if it is somewhere out
of your reach. You don’t need to go shopping,
and buy a whole new box of cereal…just find some sweet fruit, or add some sugar!