Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The way to his heart...

“You put the ding dong in my bell pepper of life”

I’m sure you have heard your grandmother say “the way to a man’s heart isthrough is stomach.” If you don’t believe this you might want to schedule a trip to visit granny…because she really was onto something.

I realize that in today’s world it is no longer “socially cool” to be a “home maker.” I have liberal friends (close friends) who just couldn’t stomach the idea of being a stay at home mom / wife. Nothing blows my mind more than listening to a lady talk about how her husband has to split the duties of house keeping, cooking, raising the children and all the day to day activities that go hand in hand with running a home. What really gets under my skin is when people down play this role like it really isn’t a “job.” Either way you look at it, staying home with children is one of the most difficult and rewarding jobs a wife can take on. I look at my wife when I get home from work and just thank God that my children have her to look at every day. I love that my kids have such a Christian example to learn from, and look up to all day.  

Now I understand that all women can’t stay home, and for those who do not want to…hey…it’s all good…I’m really neutral on the subject. For my wife and myself we simply choose to have Heather stay at home. I was raised by a working mom, and to this day she is one of my closest friends, and I would put my love for her against anystay at home mom’s son. Whether you are in the work force or not, there is something to be said about a prepared meal for a husband. When I come home, and my wife has a dinner prepared that taste’s delicious it shows me that she really took time do something special. Not every night is a home cooked meal. Some nights are pizza or take out…but for the times my wife cooks…AWE MAN IT’S GOOD!

I have so many buddies who are forced to do the cooking at home. And for some people that is ok. But every now and then a man needs to be FED people! If you want to really make your man happy…come home from work a couple of hours before he does…prepare a special meal for him. Make him sit down, bring him his plate and his drink…and then his dessert. Do the same for any kids too… I guarantee you will see a HUGE smile on everyone’s face, and they will be so thankful. And then when you snuggle up close at bed time, turn the lights off and whisper in his ear “Your turn to cook tomorrow….”

If you are looking for some great recipes check out this facebook page. It is called DreamHome Cooking. My sister has her own Cooking Show, and best selling Cookbook!!! Hereis a link to her page. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DO NOT be that girl!

“I love you more than all the sand on all the beaches in all the world!”

One of my mostannoying personality traits is that I am the KING of useless information. Ireally love to hear about fun facts, and get the details about things thatreally have no importance in our day to day life. So when I saw my wife’s lunchletter today I just had to google “how many grains of sand are there on earth?”The most consistent answer I found on several different scientific sites wasthat there are 700,500,000,000,000,000,000 grains of sand on earth (or sevenquintillion five quadrillion).

Honestly now,that is a STAGGERING number. I’m sure this isn’t the first time you have heard someone reference loving someone more than grains of sand. But if I had to guess what my wife is really trying to say here is that her love for me just isn't measurable. Just the fact that my wife feels this way, and is able to express her feelings, is so humbling to me. The way I look at is, when you really love someone, it is not possible to tell them how much you care about them. You can try, but it's just not going to do your feelings justice. Your love is so ridiculously HUGE that you yourself can’t wrap your mind around it.

While my wife is great about communicating how much she loves me in a sweet way…some people aren't so lucky. Just like it is impossible to really understand how big the number seven quintillion is, some men just can’t come out and say to the people they love how much they really care. Now there is no way I am qualified to tell you all the different reasons men (and some women too) have such a hard time opening up. But what I can tell you is that each man has his own way of expressing his feelings.  

Now stick with me here, because what I’m able to tell you is VERY important. If your husband is the kind of guy who just doesn’t seem to open up, and you are constantly thinking “I just wish he would express his feelings to me!” I’m about to give you a really tough wake up call. If your man is not the type to quote you apoem, or tell you his deepest feelings and secrets…HE IS NEVER GOING TO BE! And I know what you might be thinking now too... You are thinking to yourself “But he was so sensitive and open when we first met…” Seriously, you can’t pull that card…otherwise men would pull the “padded bra and make up card!” That’s right…I said it…we all put up somewhat of a false front when we first meet. So what…that time is gone now,and you need to understand how your hubbs works.

For some guy’s (most guy’s actually) the fact that they would have to CONSTANTLY tell a women how they feel, and how much they love them is a complete burden, and a total turn off. Write this down…LET YOU MAN RELAX. If you are constantly on your husband about this you need to give him room. He isn’t going to change, and you need to begin focusing on his other good qualities because otherwise, you are going to bury yourself in misery, dreaming about the past and fantasizing about a guy that doesn’t exist (at least not under YOUR roof) And we all know that is dangerous territory.

So ladies…if you find yourself relating to this blog than give your guy a break. Learn to understand him, and stop wishing his less than perfect qualities away. Instead, actively seek to find what it is that makes you both tick, and stay focused on those great qualities. If you are scratching your head saying “This guy has no idea what he is talking about?” than you should rest easy that your sensitive man will be whispering sweet nothings in your ear as soon as you get home from work. Either way your are not alone, and you have someone who truly cares about you and your family. That is A LOT more that some people can say. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Find his passion

“Hope you’re day is as sunny and bright as the near future of Alabama Football.
P.S. Have you seen our killer recruiting???”

It’s so hard for me to pin point my favorite thing about my wife. In all honesty, she has so many areas that make her amazing…But one of the top things I love about Heather, my favorite is that she is a DIE HARD University of Alabama fan. We both graduated from the University within 6 months of each other, and there is no question that she and I both love our Crimson Tide. So, every year we count down the days (which as of this post is 126) to kick off.

As you can see with today’s lunch letter her excitement is based upon some information she recently received about a certain player that signed on to play football at the University. She has such a passion for sport of college football, and so much enthusiasm for Bama. Can you imagine how it makes me feel, as a man, to be able to hold a conversation about college football with my wife??? I mean seriously, she knows every detail about the sport, the players and the overall understanding of the game. While my buddies are having to sneak games, or listen to their wives ask questions like “what is that guy doing kicking the ball,” or “can you explain to me how many points for a touchdown?” my wife is standing up, screaming at the ref for a bad call and high-fiving my friends with a cold beer in her hand.
It never fails…at almost every game, one (or all) of my friends will say “you are so lucky to have such a cool wife!” And they couldn’t be more right…
So here is my point…Do you know what your husband is passionate about? Do you know what makes him open up, and get excited? Whatever your husband is passionate about you might want to consider learning about it. You can’t imagine how much joy you would bring into your husband’s life if you were GENUINELY passionate about his biggest hobby, or interest. Pick up a golf club, watch a game with enthusiasm, sit in a deer stand…the list goes on and on and on. The bottom line is that he will immediately recognize your effort, and I promise he will perk up, and you will see the little boy in him come out to play.
At the end of the day a relationship is all about effort, commitment and sacrifice. If you just put a little of these 3 ingredients into your man’s biggest love (outside of you and his family of course), I assure you that only the sweetest of treats will be the result.

Click the link below for a women’s guide to understandingcollege football