Friday, March 30, 2012

I like the way you work it, No Diggitty


"I like the way you work it. Work it today, baby! ! :-)"

Every morning my wife and I have a little bit of time tocatch up and brief each other about the day ahead. She has known for a while that today was a big day at the office, and she knew the day would be quite stressful. When I woke up she had coffee ready, and this huge grin on her face.“It’s a BIG day BABY!” she said. Just seeing her act silly, and encourage mehelped me shoot right out of bed, and look forward to the day ahead.
Encouragement and positive reinforcement is such a bigthing, and so necessary in any relationship. Last night before we went to sleepHeather got a text from a friend that delivered some really bad news. I went tosleep worried about her being stressed out because of it. I just knew that whenI woke up this would be something we needed to work together on. However,looking back on it, I believe my wife realize that today meant high stakes forme at the office. She knows me well enough that if something is bothering her…itis going to bother me. She made a deliberate effort to make sure I saw herhappy and excited about the day, because she knew I needed to be focused and positive.
Now I’m not saying that if things are bothering you to keepit to yourself, and let it fester inside until it comes to a boiling point. Butwhat I am saying is that there are times when you can put your problem aside,for the benefit of someone else. Heather could have easily got out of bed, andhad a terrible attitude about the day because of what had upset her. And she had every right to be upset. She choseto focus on making MY DAY start right because we both had a lot riding on theday’s meetings. If I am completely honest, I would have to say I would not havebehaved this way. My day ended as well as it could have today. All meetings weresuccessful, and my entire family will benefit from that.
I have so many friends who’s wives are unable to recognizethat there are certain days a man just needs to be uplifted. To hear your wife whisper in your ear “I’m proud of you, and I’m thankful for the things you provide for our family” is a boost like no other for a man. Men need to feellike they are providers, and that their wife and children need them around(which we all know is the other way around J).
I want to encourage you if you are in a relationship (husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, coworker, etc) to be aware of what people are struggling with, and learn what their day’s hold for them. If you realize someone has a huge day ahead, put your struggles aside for the day, put on ahuge smile, and tell them with confidence “I like the way you work it, work ittoday!”
Sidenote: Now I have that Blackstreet song “I like the wayyou work it…no diggity…I gotta bag it up” in my head….click here for the song if you don’t know it…Warning…it willmake you laugh…and it will be in your head for weeks.


Pjones said...

Wow you have an amazing wife!

lunchletters said...

Thanks pjones. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.

lunchletters said...

Thanks pjones. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.