Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gone Fishin


What is it about fishing that just makes you completelyforget about the busy world around you, and focus on the people you arespending time with? After getting home from work I invited my wife to gofishing at the community lake in our neighborhood. She thought about it forabout a second, and said “Let’s do it!”

Now my wife and I have a FEIRCE rival when it comes tocatching fish. And to be completely honest, she usually out fishes me on anygiven day. So we grabbed our poles, packed a cooler and strapped our 10 monthold to my chest in the baby Bjorn. By the way we left our cell phones at home. Fortwo hours we sat and joked and caught up on the day’s events. Actually, thatwas about the only the thing we caught. Not a fish in sight. But I can tell youone thing. There is nothing like spending time outdoors with the family, andnot having a phone to distract you. It was so relaxing… standing by the lakeholding my fishing pole, my baby girl was trying to figure out how to crank thereel (which she did figure out by the way) and my wife was laughing at me andcracking jokes…The time together was nice, and that night when we went to bed Icouldn’t help but thank God I’m married to a girl with a great sense of humor, adventurousspirit and most of all someone who after a long day of chasing a baby aroundthe house would put my wants in front of hers by allowing me to go fishing whenshe could have just as easily requested to stay home and put her feet up.

My wife and I have a long running statement, and it’s “I love you more.” We are constantly trying to convince the other that we loveeach other more than the other. So if one of us does something that they should not have, orif there is a funny thing that happens and the phrase fits….We’ll say…”see…thatjust proves I love you more!” I know it sounds cheesy…and it is, but hopefullyall couples have cheesy inside joke they can turn to when the time is right.If you don’t…GET ONE! 

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