Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The way to his heart...

“You put the ding dong in my bell pepper of life”

I’m sure you have heard your grandmother say “the way to a man’s heart isthrough is stomach.” If you don’t believe this you might want to schedule a trip to visit granny…because she really was onto something.

I realize that in today’s world it is no longer “socially cool” to be a “home maker.” I have liberal friends (close friends) who just couldn’t stomach the idea of being a stay at home mom / wife. Nothing blows my mind more than listening to a lady talk about how her husband has to split the duties of house keeping, cooking, raising the children and all the day to day activities that go hand in hand with running a home. What really gets under my skin is when people down play this role like it really isn’t a “job.” Either way you look at it, staying home with children is one of the most difficult and rewarding jobs a wife can take on. I look at my wife when I get home from work and just thank God that my children have her to look at every day. I love that my kids have such a Christian example to learn from, and look up to all day.  

Now I understand that all women can’t stay home, and for those who do not want to…hey…it’s all good…I’m really neutral on the subject. For my wife and myself we simply choose to have Heather stay at home. I was raised by a working mom, and to this day she is one of my closest friends, and I would put my love for her against anystay at home mom’s son. Whether you are in the work force or not, there is something to be said about a prepared meal for a husband. When I come home, and my wife has a dinner prepared that taste’s delicious it shows me that she really took time do something special. Not every night is a home cooked meal. Some nights are pizza or take out…but for the times my wife cooks…AWE MAN IT’S GOOD!

I have so many buddies who are forced to do the cooking at home. And for some people that is ok. But every now and then a man needs to be FED people! If you want to really make your man happy…come home from work a couple of hours before he does…prepare a special meal for him. Make him sit down, bring him his plate and his drink…and then his dessert. Do the same for any kids too… I guarantee you will see a HUGE smile on everyone’s face, and they will be so thankful. And then when you snuggle up close at bed time, turn the lights off and whisper in his ear “Your turn to cook tomorrow….”

If you are looking for some great recipes check out this facebook page. It is called DreamHome Cooking. My sister has her own Cooking Show, and best selling Cookbook!!! Hereis a link to her page. 

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