love you, and trust you enough to still let you join a running club.”
I have two favorite times of the day during
the week, and they are equally special to me. One is that every evening we eat
dinner as a family at the breakfast table (FYI – Our dining room table has seen
3 meals in 2 ½ years – I’ll save that one for another blog), and the other is
that my wife and I wake up early, and while I’m getting ready for work we have
about 20 minutes to talk, and catch each other up on the days events. It’s kind
of like a debriefing of the day, and this time keeps us on the same page for the most
part. So last night I had the craziest dream about joining a running club. In
the running club there was an attractive girl that kept chasing me. Eventually
I wound up in the middle of a break in at a house where a friend of mine was
trying to steal this girls huge flat screen TV. I know…it was crazy! While I’m
in the shower I tell my wife the entire dream…ever last embarrassing detail.
She was laughing, shaking her head, and at one point seemed a little concerned
about how the dream could be interpreted.
On my drive into the office I was thinking
about my wife’s reaction to the dream, and now that I see her note for today
there is a very important point I want to drive home. This is my point…Ladies…give
your husband room to be honest. Here is what I mean…Imagine if my wife reacted
in a way that she was really upset about my dream…Truthfully, in some ways she
did have the right to be concerned about the dreams content. She could have
taken a totally negative approach, grilled me about who the girl was, and give
me the 3rd degree. You can probably guess what would happen the next
time I had a dream and wanted to tell her about it.
I would certainly think twice about doing
Instead, my wife chose to take this dream,
and use the conversation to show me how much she trusts me. As a husband, to
know my wife trusts me, and has my back means more to me than anything in this
world. Husbands need this type of confidence because it’s crucial to the role
we play as a “guardian” to our family. With this lunch letter my wife single handedly
showed me that she isn’t going to let something silly like a dream get in the
way of our relationship. She gave me room to tell the truth! As a result, I will continue to open up, and share all of
my feelings with her.
At the end of the day trust is all about
in another person. It is so fragile and delicate, and must be protected at all times. If you are in a relationship where trust and confidence are
lacking it is something that must be addressed in order for a healthy
relationship to exist. There is no room for anything less than the truth, even if someone has good intentions by trying to "protect someones feelings."
I understand there are relationships where someone is actually afraid to be honest,
because their partner would read so far into something that the truth would cause more
damage than a little white lie. If you are on either side of this situation you
need to realize this is a major relationship emergency. Check your marriage into
rehab, and fix this immediately. Everyone needs “room to tell the truth.” Don’t
be quick to react, give your partner the benefit of the doubt and ALWAYS HAVE
Wow I love your blog! I love the concept, I love that your wife is so sweet and that you choose to focus on the lovely connection you have even during the day when you're apart. :)
I've just signed up and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post!
WOW! Fiona...I can't thank you enough for such kind words. This blog is turning out to be A LOT more work than I expected, but comments like yours make it worth every bit of the time put in. Thank you again for such encouraging words, and thank you so much for subscribing!
What a great idea on your wifes part to give you words of encouragement every day! I love this blog already and have signed up. It may be alot of work like you said but I will be looking forward to it every morning now. No pressure :) Every marriage needs to read your blog. Thank You
Thank you so much for such a kind comment. I am glad you are finding the blog useful!
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