Monday, April 16, 2012

Do not be a zoo keeper!

“Only 72 48hours until your adventure begins JI love you baby”

There is one concept that is missed by most wives…and when Isay missed…I mean MISSED! By nature, men need comradery.  We need to feel a sense of brotherhood, andfrom time to time men just need to get away with the guy’s, curse a little, burpand fart a lot and tell the same stories with “the guy’s.” If your shaking yourhead right now and thinking “that’s such a typical guy thing to say…my husbanddoesn’t need to do that” well then I have a wakeup call for ya sister! If youdon’t encourage your hubby to get away with his pals for a little “man time”than you have clipped the wings of an eagle.  And if you are one of those womenwho refuse to give “permission” to your spouse to enjoy some time away, youhave essentially casterated the lion. Im mean for cryin' out loud its already been tamed, and lives in a cage. Seriously...don't be a zoo keeper!

Consider this…from the beginning of time men have been thegathers. They roamed the land searching for food, killed their prey and broughtit back to the village to eat. They did this as a group. Rarely did huntersseek out meals alone. Picture these dirty, hairy, smelly cavemen returning totheir village with their animals in hand…I can just hear them grunting and seethem pounding their filthy hands on their hairy bare chests. All trying to outdo theother… Now imagine the stories those cave women had to listen over and overagain. And newsflash…if they ever corrected their exaggerating cave-husband and said anything like “now honey…the dinosaur youkilled wasn’t THAT big” it would be WAAAAP! Right upside the head with a club.Now I am certainly not condoning the clubbing of wives so don’t hit the deletebutton just yet. Believe it or not I’m getting to a really good point here.

In 2 days I will leave for my annual backpacking trip with some of my oldcollege roommates. You have no idea how many of them will be telling storiesover the 4 day trip about how their wife hasn’t talked to them for 2 weeks becausethey are so upset with them for leaving. And then there’s myself and Jason. Jason has a great supporting wife who is one of the kindest people you would ever meet. Wewill laugh at these other guy’s the entire time because our wives gave us somuch support. And while the other guy’s are sitting around the camp firetalking about how selfish their ladies back home are…guess what? Me and oleJason will be sitting there with a smile on our faces, and all the whilewondering why we came into the woods because we miss our wives and kids sostinking much. It never fails. Jason and I, every year, do nothing but mope inconfidence because we are so homesick. Sure…it is FANTASTIC to get away. Butreally, you can’t imagine how much I miss my wife.

If you struggle with letting your husband spread his wings alittle you might want to try changing things up. Heck…you could even suggestthat he go enjoy some time with the guy’s. Watch his face when you encouragehim to go play golf or go fishing with a buddy…while he is gone send him a text(don’t call) about how happy you are that he is getting some guy time….and whenhe comes home have something fabulous ready for him for dinner. I’m tellingyou, he will be so impressed with your attitude that it could be a real gamechanger.

*Disclaimer: this blog is based uponan every now and then occurance. In no way to I support spending more time awayfrom the family than with them. Unless your husband is into deer hunting. …ifthat is the case you just out of luck J

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